Don't Leave Home Without These 40+ Essential Travel Hacks for Seniors
Traveling can be one of the best pastimes in your golden years, but traveling as a senior can also be quite daunting. Even though it allows you to explore, mingle, and learn new things, it also pushes you out of your comfort zone. Knowing some do's and don'ts can help if you plan to take a trip soon. Here are some senior travel hacks and tips to make your journey more accessible and enjoyable.

Ask for Senior Discounts
One of the advantages of being a senior citizen is being eligible for extra special discounts. Many airlines offer senior discounts to their flyers above a certain age.

Be sure to call ahead and check with your airlines at the time of booking if they have any special offers. You never know; this travel hack may not only get you some cheaper tickets but also get you some special perks on the flight.